(ESP=Everybody Sleeps Pro)

Let us be the first to say Thank You for joining us!

We are so excited to begin this journey with you… And feel so privileged to be partnered with such an amazing company as SLEEPM.

We are loving the Products And even more so the Opportunity – It is Unmatched.

Needless to say, we are setting our sights on taking SLEEPM to the top. You will love  our ESPGT Marketing System and all that it entails. We are about ensuring success for every member on our team. We take honor, pride and respect in that and we know  you will too.

For now, explore the different tabs to see how everything works. Give your sponsor, upline leader or us a call if you have any questions – That’s why we’re here.

Familiarize yourself with this site, our 2 Step System and of course the SLEEPM PDF. They are all a wealth of information. Jump on the Live Zooms, held three times per week (Tuesday, Thursday & Sunday) to learn even more about this amazing company  and how it truly can be the Opportunity of a Lifetime!

When Prospecting, Here Are Some Great Talking Points…

»  Rock Solid Company
»  Ground Floor Opportunity
»  0 Competition
»  First To Market
»  BioCrystal Technology
»  Award Winning
»  FDA Approved
»  Global Business
»  Financing
»  Daily Pay
»  Top Tier Direct Sales
»  Duplicatable S.Y.S.T.E.M. (Save Your Self Time Energy Money)
»  Coaching
»  Unmatched Teamwork & Support
»  7 Figure Potential Income

We Are Looking Forward To Locking Arms And Working Together With YOU!

This Team Training Website Is A Work In Progress – Check Back Often!

It Is Definitely Time To Dream Again!

Our Best,

Sally & Joe
ESP Global Team Co Founders

PS Please make sure to join our ESP Global Team TELEGRAM Group!

We also have a WhatsApp group for our Members Only.
(This is a group with our upline used for updates and corporate happenings –
Please always ask your sponsor/upline questions first and not in the WhatsApp group)

Success Is In The Details
Review Our PDF

Plan Details
Review Our PDF

SleepM Pillow Details
Review Our PDF

SleepM Heating Pad Details
Review Our PDF


Click Any Image To Join The Zooms

Opportunity: Every Tuesday 6pm PT / 9pm ET – Bring Your Prospects!
BioCrystal Technology: Every Thursday 5pm PT / 8pm ET – The Science Call
Training: Every Sunday 5pm PT / 8pm ET

Join: Zoom.us
ID: 416 768 8555
Password: 655106
Join Zoom Meeting:

We Love That SLEEPM Offers 0% Financing!
Check Back Often As More Options Will Be Added

Below you can schedule a Financing Session
with our upline Diamond Johnson. Please let your
sponsor know your appointment day/time.

REMINDER: You must start with a minimum purchase
of $580 to qualify for earning commissions.

Once you are approved, let your sponsor know the amount you are
qualified for. They will then get you their SLEEPM URL to get signed up.

Do Not go to snapfinance.com and apply there. We have an upline support
person… Diamond Johnson who can help with taking SNAP Application.

Please Be On Time!

If you book it and no one shows within several minutes, she will close
the zoom and you will have to reschedule. Click below for times available:

You can adjust the Calendar at the bottom to your Time Zone.

Remember To Let Your Sponsor Know When You Are Approved!

We Are Setting The Gold Standard By Reshaping The Way You Earn Big Money!

Our ESP Global Team 2-Step Marketing System is super Easy, Efficient and Effective to use.


Our 2-Step Marketing System


Step 1: 9 Minute Call – ESPGlobalTeam.com
(Everyone uses the same Step 1. Even if you don’t have our system, you can still use this)

Step 2: Review The Info On Our “Everybody Sleeps”
Personalized Page – ESPGlobalTeam.com/Sample

The Cost Is A One-Time $47!
It is important to note, that Joe & I do NOT make any money off of the System…
We want to keep our price
low for our teams.

This is an introductory price and is subject to change.

Order Your System Here: ESPGTMarketing.com

Our Capture Page-Drip Marketing System

Adding The AWeber Autoresponder Is Great For Building A Database And For Paid Advertising.
Any Questions/Coaching… Just Contact Sally.

The Cost Is A One-Time $97!

Step 1: Order Aweber Autoresponder Here:

Step 2: Order Your Capture Page & 5 Message Drip Campaign Here:

Payment Options:
Zelle: 509.769.9592 (Lorna Thurston)
Cash App: $LornaThurston
BTC Upon Request: Text Lorna 509.769.9592
Let Her Know You Sent BTC.

Once you pay, you will be in the queue to have your  Step 2 page created.

Our Webmaster, Lorna Thurston will create your page  and email it directly to you. Please allow up to 24 hours
(usually much sooner) to receive your Step 2, ESP Global Team “Everybody Sleeps” Page.

Any questions, contact one of us:
Lorna: LornaThurston@gmail.com
Sally: LifestyleCEO2020@Gmail.com

Digital Postcard Graphics…

We love these eye catching graphics that are free to use. Great on Social Media, Texting, Messenger & Email.

They are the perfect way to open up some dialogue about SleepM, our team and our systematic approach.

The graphics are not clickable.

Again, everyone can download Step 1 and use it for any prospect you have.

If you have our 2 Step System and want the Step 2 graphic, just let Sally know and she will make it for you at no cost!


STEP 1: LISTEN – Everyone Uses The Same Graphic From Step1
“9 Minute Powerful Message” The first step in Prospecting.

STEP 2: REVIEW THE INFO – Use Your Link From Your Step 2
“Everybody Sleeps” Webpage to follow up with your prospect.

Note: This Is A Sample Postcard, You Are Welcome To Create Your Own!

To Order Click Here!

Note: This Is A Sample Business card, You Are Welcome To Create Your Own!

To Order Click Here!


1. Your products will arrive via UPS and the package will have to be signed by an adult.

2. On average, you can expect your product in 7-10 business days from the date of order.

3. Price of single eye-mask is now $405 and will create a ‘Position’, but nothing can be withdrawn from it.

4. Withdrawals can only be paid via check at this time. You don’t need to enter ‘bank info’ to request a w/d. There is no direct deposit at this time.

5. Your commission shows immediately in your back office but is not available for a withdrawal for 3 days.

6. Checks are issued 1x weekly on Wed. Make sure request is in no later than early on Tues to have it issued on Wed. You may just want to do one w/draw a week You will never lose your distributorship. If you do not meet your annual purchase requirement, commissions will  stop until you do and then resume when amount needed is purchased.

7. On the 1 sale per year requirement for overrides, if you have not made that in year 2, your overrides drop to 50%. If you go to the 3rd year without a personal sale, commissions will stop. As soon as you have 1 new sale, commissions will resume.


When you have enough sales on your team to go to the next rank, that is the time to make another purchase…
This is called a “+1”.

Now you too can start earning at the next rank level. Make sure you also have the required number of personal sales.

The Levels are noted on the Comp Plan Chart

Example: 10 sales on your team and you have 2 personal sales. You make another purchase from your top Main Position – Now you have 3 personal sales (required), you are now a 3 Star. Just think… Everyone on your team
must do this too… Think Big!

Do not make your purchase early. It will not count to rank you up.


We Are Excited To Be Working With You!

Please Contact Us If You Need Assistance.

ESP Global Team Co-Founders
Sally Darling & Joe Mhamed

Sally: 573.864.4395

Joe: 403.470.5444

Lorna Thurston: 509-769-9592
